Thursday, August 22, 2013

in a mind of my own

Hi! I’m Melissa and I am extremely new to this freedom in my life. I like it a lot. To address the topic, I am excited to learn about writing. I never took a comp class in high school. I always stuck with basic Honors English. I look forward, strangely enough, to receiving my topic on a research paper that will be due months away from the time. I usually pick something that is interesting to me, something that I will enjoy researching, not something that makes me want to avoid working on it at all cost. I can procrastinate occasionally if I get lazy… most of that kicked in my last year of high school. I like to start with a pen and paper, it helps me brainstorm I think. Maybe. I like writing something down and scratching it out and working with other parts of a sentence. The beginning of papers is typically frustrating for me because it takes awhile for the good ideas to roll in. I usually base my thesis off of the very core of the paper and then I go from there. I was told all throughout high school that a thesis was one sentence that basically briefed you on what you were about to read, or what the paper was all about. I hope that’s true. I usually work better in complete and total silence. I get distracted fairly easily and any noise from people or a television can throw me off. I like being alone; otherwise I end up in a two-hour conversation with the closest person near me. Total peace and quiet is good stuff when it comes to me. I like to change words in papers and it makes me happy when things sound smoother, then I don’t feel so frustrated. In high school, the most I’ve ever written would be maybe six to eight pages? I think that is right. As typical as this sounds, I like to write when it comes easier and when it is an interesting topic… otherwise, I can be bad at pushing myself. I like proof reading! I think it is very helpful. I also usually organize my paragraphs based on where they fit and what makes the paper sound smoother. I guess that is a very basic thing to say haha. Anyways, I’m excited to write! 

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